Los Angeles Latino Families Photo Projectt

21 to 39 of 39 Objects
(21 - 39 of 39)


Christmas Cake
Arturo Guerra posing in front of someone else's car
Quetzal Roura's graduation from UCLA
Constantino Adame
Family portrait of the Vargas boys
Francisco Guerra de Carpio at the Comisaria de Policia
Helen Correa
Dad, Uncle Manuel and Aunt Margaret
Martha Velasco at 5 months pregnant
Ginger's Baptism
The Huerta family on a snowy day in Texas
Early Carrasco family portrait
Family portrait taken for el dia de las madres
Rodrigo and Delicia
First Chicano UCLA student body president
Me, my siblings and cousins at my grandmother's house
Christmas at Asbury United Methodist Church
Yolanda recieves a master's degree in Education
Ramon and Maria celebrate 25 years of marriage
